AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (2)


Hi ladies! I have a lot to unpack here so bare with me please lol
So hubby and I are currently LC with his parents meaning we usually see them about once or twice a month, sometimes three if there's a holiday or family event going on. Lately his mom would text me saying she misses the kids and wishes they can see them more. Which majority of the time I won't suggest stopping by so they can see them or tell her they miss you guys too.
I stopped caring about my MILs feelings back in 2021 when she overstepped a big boundary and gave my son food for the first time even after my husband and I told her no we weren't ready to give him food yet. She did it anyways and I cried over having this first moment of giving my son food for the first time robbed from us because she was too ignorant and stubborn to hear us tell her no. Shortly after that her and I got into a heated argument where I called her out on everything she did wrong over the past few months and how she belittles me as a mother and doesn't respect me as a wife and mom. She in turn made me out to be the bad guy and cried claiming she was the victim in this whole situation because she quotes "We wouldn't let them be parents to OUR son." After she said that I lost all respect for her and started not to care what she thought. She clearly wanted to have a do over of being mommy to my son and I wasn't having it. My husband and I would always argue about that day and I almost considered divorcing him at one point over it cause he didn't defend me at all. Since then we've been LC with them. My inlaws have also never babysat or been alone with our son because I do not trust her. There's been a few other incidents when my son was a baby and she didn't want to listen to what I said or respect my boundaries because she thought her way was better. She one time almost dropped my 2 month old son on his head while I was sitting next to her pumping. She refused to change his diaper on his changing pad and instead thought it was a brilliant idea to change him on her legs he ended up pushing his legs against her and started falling towards the ground before she caught him my heart fell out of my chest that day. That was also the last time she's ever changed his diaper, since then I decided she could never be trusted alone with my son or babysit him because who knows what else she will do when were not around and clearly she has hearing issues. My son is 4 now and he still has never been babysat by them or allowed to go anywhere alone with them. Even though she's been pushing really hard lately for them to be able to take my son to the park which I always ignore or never say anything when she asks.
So we were living with my parents since 2020 when my son was born to save up for a house and last year my parents were going through a horrible divorce. We had stopped at my ILs to tell them that we were planning to move out soon and I had let them know that my parents are getting a divorce. It was a very hard time in my life because my parents were married for 40 years and it all came as a shock for us to find out my dad had a gf. I had let them know that that was the reasoning for the divorce. My MIL looked at me crying saying she knows I'm not her daughter but she always thought of me as one. Which at the time I didn't say anything to her because it smelled like bs.
She has never once referred to me as being like a daughter to her out of the 9 years I had been with my hubby. Even on the day we got married she looked pissed I had a lot of people ask me after why she looked so upset at our wedding, come to find out she told my mom that she was in mourning because she was loosing her son and my mom told her what do you mean losing a son your gaining a daughter. My mom couldn't believe my MIL said that to her.
Now MIL had also cheated on FIL way back in the day when my hubby's brothers were little my hubby wasn't born yet. So I know my dad's cheating probably brought up old feelings for FIL during that time cause he gave my MIL a certain look when I mentioned my dad had a gf. If I'm being honest that's one of the reasons I don't like talking about the divorce with her because I know she did the same thing to my FIL and BILs and it upsets me that she could cheat on her husband and kids just like my dad did that to my mom and me and my brothers. They're marriage has never been good since. My hubby has witnessed too many times of my inlaws practically killing each other. My MIL has also been suicidal a few times trying to jump out of the moving car while on trips with my FIL. FIL also recently sent a text to all his granddaughters in the middle of the night asking why none of them like to answer him and he feels like he's going crazy and doesn't want to be here anymore. Scared the crap out of our nieces and my hubby woke up to texts from all of them asking if grandpa was ok because he texted them a bunch of scary stuff in the middle of the night. So to me that shows that they're both not stable people.
During the first few months after telling them anytime I would see my ILs they would ask how my parents are doing and I would instantly tell them I didn't want to talk about it. My FIL would respect me and say ok and then change the subject my MIL on the other hand would try asking a bunch of questions which I never answered. One night my husband and I went to our church's worship night and I was already feeling all types of emotions and crying all day and to my suprise find out my hubby invited his parents to attend church that night too. They were waiting inside to sit with us it caught me off guard because he didn't mention prior that he invited them. After church ended they wanted to walk the 3 of us to our car so we let them. As we were standing outside our car having small talk my MIL pulled me off to the side far enough away from my hubby and FIL and told me right off the bat that if her husband knows she's over here bringing this up to me that he would be furious. In my head I didn't understand what she meant by that and kinda looked puzzled at her and thought in my head then why are you bringing it up to me if you shouldn't be? She then started ambushing me with questions about my parents. When I told her I didn't want to talk about it she kept pushing and asking and telling me that with prayer maybe they will get back together. She really started making me upset and I started crying and telling her they were not getting back together like idk how many times I have to tell you it's done my dad has had this gf for over a year my mom is finally done with putting up with all his lying and cheating he's done to her over the 40 years they've been together. It's over there's no chance of them staying and working it out. She just nodded and told me "ok well if you ever need to talk I know I'm not telling you to call me mom but I'm here for you." All I said was thank you and walked back to my hubby my son and FIL. I was quiet and in shock from the conversation until we got in the car and I told my hubby to never do that again. I told him his mom just ambushed me and didn't respect me when I told her I didn't want to talk about it. He was upset that she did that but I'm not really sure if he ever said anything to her about the incident.
Last year we also found out we were pregnant with our baby girl in January but I didn't want to tell all our family until Easter which was in April. I sent an announcement pic in a group the night before Easter with my side of the family and my hubby did the same with his. All my family texted my hubby congratulations and my hubbys family didn't do that to me. The following month in May was the first time we had seen his parents since we announced our pregnancy his brother came down for a visit (he lives out of state) and they invited us to have pizza with them. My hubby had also just got his trucking license which he worked really hard at getting, so his dad and brother congratulated him on that and then they both congratulated me on my pregnancy. Not once the whole dinner did my MIL say a word to my hubby or I no congratulations from her on the pregnancy or my hubbys license. I gave her a hug goodbye and also gave her her bday gift (her bday was in a couple days from when we saw her). Then we left. The day of her bday I hadn't texted her cause I was upset at the fact that she didn't talk to us or congratulate either of us but she ended up texting my hubby and I in a group text and it went something like "I just pray for peace in my family for my birthday and don't like all this choas that's been going on." Umm.. okay I told my husband wth is that supposed to mean she's the one who didn't talk to us at dinner and couldn't even congratulate me in person on our pregnancy or congratulate her own son on a huge achievement he reached. He just responded with Happy Birthday Mom love you.
The following month they came to visit us to and to bring hubby his bday present and I swear MIL was all excited to see us and was so happy to talk about my pregnancy and was trying to ask me a bunch of questions like she didn't just ignore me for the past 2 months.šŸ˜’ Then she asked me if we had everything ready for baby girl when I told her yeah I saved everything we used for my son, so we'll just reuse everything we just would need diapers and clothes for her. She goes oh so you guys don't even need a baby shower since you have everything already. She had the audacity to tell me I could just use all the boy clothes I had saved because she didnt need new clothes and I told her well I might be able to use a few pieces for her but she would still need girl clothes considering everything is either cars dinosaurs or onesies that have the word boy or little man on it. She then goes well it will only be for a little time they grow out of everything so fast and I'm like yeah but I'd still like her to have her own girly clothes. (Like lady I've dreamed of having a baby girl since I was a little girl to put bows and cute outfits on I'm not about to have my one and only baby girl in all of my son's clothes.) Like to each their own but that's not what I want to do. After i left I told my hubby your mom said dont need to get baby girl any clothes that we can just put her in all our sons old clothes. He said she was stupid lol
The last few months before we had our 2nd baby we were also in the process of moving into our apartment and helping my parents clear out everything from their house since they sold it. The whole selling process was really sad for me and my family because my parent had lived in that house for over 30 years, I was also born and raised there so there was a lot of sentimental value to the house. Anytime we saw my inlaws my MIL would make little insensitive comments to me either about my parents or about them selling their house they lived in for over 30 years and just the whole situation in general.
Also my BIL(hubbys older brother) was going through a divorce with his wife around the same time my parents were. One night my hubby and I and our son went for a walk and I could tell something was bothering my hubby. After a few mins of asking what was wrong he told me his brother and sils marriage was getting worst they were considering divorce. He mentioned how his mom texted him earlier that she was very concerned for his brother and his situation. (Mind you at this point I knew everything that was happening in their marriage because my hubby and BIL would talk on the phone and he would tell my hubby everything that was going on with him and his wife.) Well then my hubby mentioned that his mom told her her concerns then at the end of their conversation told my hubby not to say a word to me about what was going on with my BIL and his wife's marriage. This made me so pissed I told my hubby why is she asking you to keep secrets from me. Your mom has never respected me as your wife. How the F is she going to ask me every personal thing that's going on between MY family and parents and when I tell her I dont want to talk about it she keeps persisting and nagging but when it comes to "her family" all of a sudden I'm not allowed to know a single thing that goes on. I told him I hope you told her how that is wrong of her to tell you to keep a secret from your wife. It just goes to show again she doesn't consider me as part of the family. It's not like I just met you and had your babies Ive been apart of the family for 10 years and married to her son for 4 years. This is one of the many reasons I can't trust this lady or respect her.
Now fast forward to the present day we hardly come around to family events or go and see my inlaws unless they invite us over sometimes we will go 2 months without seeing them which has been a huge blessing but every now and then my hubby or I would get the texts from MIL how she misses us. Or that they need to stop by and drop off some of hubby's mail. I don't mind if they want to stop by or if hubby wants to go see them on his day off but I told him those days of me telling them to stop by anytime or telling him let's go see your parents are long gone.
My mom knows everything my MIL has said to me and how she's treated me over the years. My mom constantly tells me not to be the way I am to my MIL and that I should send her pictures of the kids or we should go see my inlaws more often and I always tell her no it's not my responsibility if my hubby wants to see his parents then he will say and he can be the one to send them pictures of the kids if he wants to. My brother and SIL say I shouldn't be that way either that my hubby wouldn't like the way I treat his mom. The thing is my hubby knows exactly how I feel towards his parents especially my MIL.
The sad thing is that I'm not the only one she's treated similar like this. My hubby has 2 older brothers and each brother has teen kids. One brother who recently passed in 2019 shortly after we got married has 2 different baby mamas and had 3 girls with one mom and 1 girl with the other. My other BIL has 2 kids with his wife currently becoming his ex wife. My MIL has never had a good relationship with either of BILs baby mamas/wife and have gotten into many fights/arguements with them all. My BILs wife used to tell me how my MIL never liked her either because she married her son and she felt MIL was always jealous of them. My inlaws have also gone long periods without seeing their 4 granddaughters because of these fights the MIL would start with the girls' moms.
Recently FILs health hasn't been too good he had a heart attack back when hubby was in HS and had to have stints put in over the years. He's been mentioning how he feels like there's a problem again with his heart. So my mom is always saying go see them since the dad is sick and you shouldn't be that way with them but I tell her the same thing, hubby hasn't mentioned wanting to go see them and I'm not going to bring it up. FIL has always been more on the kind and respectful side with me but he knows how crazy his wife is.

If you made it this far thank you I had a lot to vent and unpack here and I'm tired of being made to feel like I'm in the wrong for feeling how I feel towards my MIL. I know how to be civil and still go with my hubby when he wants to visit them. I engage in small talk with my inlaws. If my MIL texts me I usually respond back. I have told my hubby I do these things because I respect him as my husband and those are his parents but that doesn't mean I don't get anxious anytime their name pops up or we have to go visit them. I do it for him and I think in return he respects my own mental health enough to not push constant visits with them.
When I love and care for someone I love and care for them wholeheartedly. Usually if someone does me wrong in anyway I cut ties with them. I can't do that with my inlaws because I know hubby loves them and of course our son loves them too.
AITA here? Or am I in the wrong like my mom, brother, and sil say I am?

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AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (9)


I think after all the drama, stupid comments, & disrespecting your parenting decisions/authority, itā€™s completely understandable why you wouldnā€™t care about their feelings. You have put up with a ton & given soooo many chances to your MIL & she keeps undermining you guys. I think if your husband wants a relationship with them then fine, but that shouldnā€™t involve you any further because thereā€™s so much bad blood here that itā€™ll take many many many years for you to not be instantly triggered by all her crap. Sheā€™s done the damage & she needs to face the consequences, & your husband needs to be willing to support you in that.

AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (10) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (11) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (12) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (13) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (14) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (15)


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I'm NC with my mom so I hear how "wrong" it is almost every time I talk to my family. it's not wrong to let your husband be responsible for his family, you're actually being super gracious still being a part and letting your kids take part in visits he plans.

with reminding him and pics I think that's the old school "it's the mom's job" problem. I always tell my husband "cause she's not my mom" when I get overwhelmed with MIL and want him to take the reigns. I would ask those people "does his penis restrict his ability to send photos and make plans? I mean the only reason it's 'wrong' is cause I'm the girl. do gay couples not have plans or pictures? what makes him unqualified to speak to his mother?"

putting yourself over the generational pressure to act happy is necessary.

AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (16) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (17) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (18) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (19) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (20) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (21)


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Ok I had to check if I posted this because itā€™s so similar to what I went through with MIL.

First of all, you are NTA here. This lady has disrespected and undermined you as her grandsons mother and her sonā€™s wife. Your mental health matters and you do NOT owe anyone your time.

Like I said I went through something similar for two years straight with MIL and every time I had to see her I would get anxious and a knot in my stomach. She went as far as telling my son ā€œAwh did the cow run out of milkā€ because I stopped breastfeeding.

She also caused a huge fight with my husband and I that I also wanted to divorce him. Now he understands me and lets me be away from here for my mental health. I absolutely donā€™t go over her house anymore nor do my 2 kids. We let her see them every 3 months and for an hour at most because she only wants to spend time with my son and not my daughter because my daughter looks like me and well my son looks like my husband .

You do you and donā€™t feel bad for making decisions that will keep your happiness. ā€œThe family you create is more important than the one you come fromā€

Sending you virtual hugs because I know how this feels

AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (22) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (23) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (24) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (25) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (26) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (27)


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NTA. Ask yourself if your life is better with MIL in it regularly or is it better with keeping her at a distance? There's your answer. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

Once or twice a month is quite a lot anyway, there are many people who don't even see their in-laws once or twice a year.

If ever MIL brings up that she doesn't see you very often/misses you etc; I would just say, "To be honest MIL, we have a busy family life and this dynamic works for us because our focus is our little immediate family, we have never been happier than we are now. We do come and see you, as we see other extended family, but we cannot accommodate more frequent visits"

It's just basically telling her to manage her expectations because it's not going to happen.

I think your own mom is giving you that advice because it's a generational thing. The culture before now has generally focused around, "But it's your mom/dad" mentality whereas now we recognise that toxic behaviour is toxic behaviour regardless of who it is.

I understand FIL is collateral damage in all this but I understand your perspective - mine is also a nice and respectful person, it's MIL who just has a hideous personality. Unfortunately these men need to still stand by their wives so we can love them from a distance. Maybe if you visit next, you could have the kids make a picture or something of them and grandpa and tell him you set the kids up with a little project. If MIL asks if she has one, I would just say, "No this was a special project just for Grandpa" (I've done that before and I knew by FIL's reaction that he understood that it was to show he was still missed by us)

AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (28) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (29) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (30) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (31) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (32) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (33)


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ā€œsorry due to past actions, you are deemed mentally unstable and should not be around children. Please get the help you needā€

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AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (40)


Thank you ladies for your input! We had a 2 hour visit by my inlaws today. My hubby pulled a back muscle at work so he's been in pain and was over their visit before it even started. I had a talk with him last night about how he's starting to act like his parents and I didn't like it. His parents like to make fun of people's body weight which I absolutely hate. I've spent my whole like being made fun of and had lots of family call me names. I'm more on the petite skinnier side and have been like this my whole life I get that from my dad and his side. Well recently over the past month my hubby has been making skinny comments to our 4 year old son and I addressed that with him how I don't like how he says that to him and he needs to stop he apologized and didn't realize he was doing it so much. I mentioned how his parents always do that with everyone calls people big and fat they even called one of their granddaughters big and tubby while she was in elementary school which she wasn't even overweight. Well today during their visit they mentioned how they went to church and saw one of our really good friends who's a worship leader singing on stage. We didn't know who they were talking about at first cause they called him the wrong name but they said he sings on stage and we knew instantly who he was. My MIL then proceed to say you know the big fat guy my hubby then tells her he's not fat and she goes well he looks fatter now he looks like he gained more weight. My hubby then says we'll he loves to cook and my MIL goes I can tell he does. I think he was a little hurt her comments because he was quiet for a while. I think he finally realized what I was talking about the night before. My MIL also made a stupid comment to me while she was holding our daughter my baby started crying cause she wanted me. Well my hubby was sitting next to his mom and said what happened why is she crying and she said to him probably because she saw her food supply. Food Supply. I'm just an effing food supply, it's not like I'm her mother. This is all to say they visit left me drained. I put up with this bs because I'd rather be present and know what's going on with my children and their grandparents. One time on a day my hubby wanted to go see his parents I got my period and wasn't feeling too good so he said is it OK if I just bring our son with me to my parents and that gave me a knot in my stomach. I know my MIL and if my hubby were to go to their place alone only with our son then she will expect it all the time and I don't want to give her that luxury.

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im VERY fat positive and have had a lot of therapy to not absolutely loath myself. Its not ok to comment on bodies, like ever. Especially the body of a child. So creepy. This is why Instagram is nothing but weirdos and their new this diet or that diet, its so gross. I would shut that down so fast. You know from experience that body comments really stay with you. Lets let the next generation not hate themselves or obsess over their bodies ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½

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AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (54)


Not in the wrong at all... Carry on being cordial and protect your peace and that of your household.

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Thank you, I try to protect my peace as much as I can.

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It sounds like you need some serious distance from both families. You both are completely entangled in your familiesā€™ drama. I would take a step back, focus on your husband and child. Seeing her 2-3 times a month is not low contact in my opinion. My mom is extremely overbearing, to the point she would come over all the time, was super weird and manipulative to my first son, was always competitive with me, and I had to take a major step back. My anxiety has decreased dramatically, my marriage has improved.

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AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (74)


Why is it your job to keep your husbands parents in the loop? He's a grown-ass man, no? Because youā€™re the women. Such a double standard. As soon as you're the one not making the effort suddenly there's less contact. If it was important to your husband he would make the effort. Does your husband send photos to your mom all the time and call her to make plans? I doubt it. You never put any restrictions on your husband and son having contact other than not allowing alone time (her fault) so it sounds to me like your husband has similar feelings about the situation he just wont say it out loud and your the woman so the blame comes to you.

AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (75) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (76) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (77) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (78) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (79) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (80)


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I guess Iā€™m in the minority but I think you are so extremely triggered by your MIL that at this point thereā€™s nothing she could do to ever get on your good side/not annoy you and so everything she does you take with an extra grain of sensitivity.. that being said- like another poster mentioned I wouldnā€™t say seeing them more than once a month is LC at all - sounds like you need to just let your hubby deal with his parents because any single interaction you seem to have with her is negative

AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (81) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (82) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (83) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (84) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (85) AITA for Not giving a Crap about my ILs? - Overbearing MILs | Forums | What to Expect (86)


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