Auctioned to her Stepbrothers (Auctioned #1) (2024)


435 reviews70 followers

February 27, 2023

Despite the title and the synopsis, if you've read any of Ms. Brother's works, there's always a deeper/emotional component to her stories. Her covers and titles are a bit deceptive because one may not expect anything but raunchy sex, but it's really not the case. Honor reunites with her stepbrothers after they end up winning the bid for her.

There's a lot of resentment towards Honor, more from Kylian than Nate or Lyle, so a majority of the story was in working through that. This was quite moving and I really appreciated Honor's character.


L.C. Shoup

22 reviews

December 21, 2022

Wasn't my favorite of the stephanie brother books

I like this author. This story didn't seem like her usual work. The male characters didn't swoop me up and they were more mean and coersive than wounded/sexy like i think they were supposed to come across. I also didnt like that even when one of the brothers was a straight a$$ to honor the other brothers didnt stand up for her and she still made excuses for their behavior. I'd recommend one of her other books for sure, this was not usual for this author in my opinion and her other works are better.

Pam Santel

205 reviews1 follower

March 19, 2024

I love happy endings!

Step brothers I've never had one, but seeing it's make believe I'll take these three! I think it would be hard to be auctioned to your step brothers. It would be extremely awkward to meet again after so many years. Take the plunge and read this book today!

Pamela S.

Emma Pearson

8 reviews

December 8, 2022

Wow…. What a book…. Hot, steamy and whole lot Dirty.
Think this is one of my favourite books of Stephanie’s so far…. I love all her books and if you like your books a bit raw and a bit gritty… this is the book for you.

Thank you Stephanie for always writing books I can’t put down 😍 x


510 reviews1 follower

January 2, 2023

Nothing happens in this by book

O, like my heading suggests I wasn't that excited by the story and the relationships with this book. In total 5 characters are named and the 2 others are present for a scene. It just bored me, no real tension of mystery of development took place. I was sponsored with the lack of setting for the scenes, they took place in a room, so a chase scene is pretty ridiculous to suggest.

E.C. Grube

21 reviews

April 3, 2023

DNF’d at 35% - I’m not into sadism w/o happy consent

First off- she was their step sister over a decade ago for only a year. There’s nothing taboo about being attracted to people you were friends with as a skid and are not related to. If you want to do a taboo- either do it or don’t. Don’t wish washy sort of have some kind of sort of taboo.
Also, The brothers don’t know and she doesn’t know until they all have sex but her wishes are ignored and at least one of the brothers are into sadism and hurting women and likes the idea of causing pain and suffering.

Krysana Rodway

181 reviews3 followers

January 8, 2024

DNF 35%

I'm all for dark smut and some healthy sadism between happy consenting adults but a women who is literally a virgin getting intentionally hurt and made to feel uncomfortable because it gets off one of the MMC??? Then getting shamed for enjoying it apparently? HARD NO from me.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


509 reviews4 followers

December 27, 2023

Super heiß und spannend

Warum habe ich mich für das Buch entschieden?
Das Stiefbrüderthema hat mich nach dem Buch 4 Stiefbrüder nicht mehr losgelassen und ich bin auf dieses Buch gestoßen als ich die anderen Bücher von Stephanie Brother durchforstet habe.

Das Cover gefällt mir sehr gut, die hübsche Blondine wirkt sehr unschuldig und die drei Männer im Hintergrund sehr heiß. Man weiß auch aufgrund des roten Hintergrunds direkt um was für ein Buch es sich handelt. Der Titel regt direkt die Fantasie an.

Honor hat Schulden und hat sich deshalb entschieden, ihre Jungfräulichkeit an den Meistbietenden zu versteigern. Als während der Auktion der Einsatz erhöht wurde und sie gleich drei Männer um ihre Jungfräulichkeit bringen sollen, ist das noch nicht genug. Bei den drei Männern handelt es sich nämlich um ihre drei Stiefbrüder, die sie seit Jahren nicht gesehen hat.

Handlung und Thematik:
Allein der Titel ist schon so prickelnd und mach so neugierig, dass ich es gar nicht abwarten konnte loszulegen. Ich wurde direkt mitgerissen und nicht mehr losgelassen. Die Gewissensbisse und Moralvorstellungsabweichungen wurden sehr gut dargestellt. Alles wirkt glaubhaft und ist rund. Es gibt einiges Unerwartetes und ich finde schade, dass das Buch so kurz ist.

Man kann sich durch die Perspektivenwechsel in alle Charaktere gut hineinversetzen. Sowohl Honor als auch die drei Brüder Kylian, Nate und Lyle haben mich sofort begeistert. Jeder ist auf seine Weise besonders. Vor allem, dass Kylian so eine harte Nuss ist, hat mir sehr gut gefallen.
Das Buch beginnt direkt spannend und mitreißend und lies mich bis zur letzten Seite nicht mehr los. Ich war ein bisschen traurig, dass es nicht mehr weiter ging. Es war sehr erotisch prickelnd, die Charaktere haben mir alle gut gefallen und das Setting passte perfekt. Es gab einiges was ich nicht erwartet habe und es war alles gefühlt etwas tiefgründiger als die 4-Reihe der gleichen Autorin.

Persönliche Gesamtbewertung:
Hält was der Titel verspricht. Sehr heiß und spannend. Von mir gibt’s eine Leseempfehlung für Reverse Harem und Jungfrauenauktions-Fans.


266 reviews6 followers

December 10, 2022

Auctioned to her Stepbrothers by Stephanie Brother was first published as Room Twenty-Eight: Their Willing Victim as part of the Club Sin: Chicago Session 1 collection. It was a collaborative effort by various authors that all happen in the same place ... Club Sin.

Even before opening the book, I had an inkling that there would be BDSM in this story and I was curious just how deeply into the lifestyle these characters would be.

Honor is a sweet, beautiful girl with simple dreams. But when she finds herself buried in debt with no feasible way to get out of the hole a lifeline was thrown her way and she grabbed it. She signed up on a website where men bet on women to be their plaything. Her beauty and innocence make her highly desirable. In the end, the highest bid was from three brothers.

From the start, the three men made it clear that they were making just one bid ... that their bid meant that she would be shared by all three. Kylian, Nate, and Lyle are billionaires who can well afford to bid on her individually but in this instance chose not to. All of them wanted her and they were okay to share.

When Honor was a young girl her mother married the father of Kylian, Nate, and Lyle, a ruthless businessman with a vicious temper. The four of them spent many happy moments together. But their parents' marriage was anything was wonderful and eventually Honor and her mom left. Their leaving made life for the boys go from bad to worse.

It's twisted but Honor realizes that her feelings for the brothers are not filial and if it takes BDSM to heal them and bring them all back together then so be it.

The transformation is amazing to "watch". Are there triggering scenes? Yes. Are there instances of sexual violence? Yes. Are they in context? Yes! Is this story worth reading? ABSOLUTELY. Their blossoming love is worth witnessing.

    dark-romance reverse-harem stepbrother-romance


56 reviews1 follower

March 19, 2023

Auctioned to her stepbrothers
Previously published as Room twenty-eight

This book starts out with a girl named, Honor. To help acquire money to get out of debt, she decides to auction her virginity off to the highest bidder. Once the bids are done, she finds herself stuck with three men for one month. After a masked hot encounter with the men, she soon realizes that it is none other than her 3-ex-stepbrothers. Obviously shocked, Honor, tries to back out of the deal. The oldest of the brothers denies her the option but moves the term to one week instead of one month. She's used repeatedly and unashamedly likes it. A day before the week is up, the oldest of the brothers end the deal, harshly, and she finds herself with questions and determination to set the record straight on what happened so many years ago when, Hope, and her mom left abruptly. With documents in hand, she went to her old home to confront not only the three she used to live, but their horrible and abusive father.

Not just smut, but also has a good story to it.

Mentions of abuse
Great quick read
Step brother romance
Happy ending

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


85 reviews

February 28, 2023

Honor sells her virginity for money and at the auction she gets a message asking if she would accept 3 men which she does for double the amount.
She meets the 3 brothers when they are all masked so their identities are hidden. It isn’t until after they have all had sex and took her v she notices the voice change and remember who it is. Turns out it’s her 3 stepbrothers she hasn’t seen since she was a child.

They all were heartbroken when she left and was under the impression her mom left when she had enough money from them. But kylian was the one who took the beatings of their dad but didn’t realise the same was happening to her mom
All of them apart from kylian started wanting more but after the one week contract ended he told her she wouldn’t see them anymore so she decided to go to their house where they stay with their dad.
She explains about how their dad abused her mom and she tried to get custody and help the boys get away from him but their dad paid the police to stop sniffing around.
They all make up and start their relationship ship after that

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


144 reviews1 follower

May 27, 2024

It’s basically a novella with only 182 pages, and that doesn’t really allow for an in-depth development of the story and character dynamics. The characters were not very complex, they didn’t go very deep. Really didn’t feel like a lot happened either. Initially I thought the brothers knew they were buying in the auction and that was part of the point. But instead it was a complete shock go them that they’d just f*cked their stepsister. So they just randomly decided to buy a virgin together, sharing a woman for the first time, despite being apparently handsome and rich. I would’ve liked more background on their decision and how they came to that decision. The third act conflict/resolution was a bit lame. I understand the brothers (especially Kylian) was hurt that Victoria and Honor left them when they were children. It was already known the boys were being abused, so it’s not surprising the dad was beating the sh*t out of this wife, Victoria. So for that to be the big reveal just felt lame.

Katie Roberts

624 reviews4 followers

January 25, 2023

So, I would have DNF'd this, but I don't see the point when a book is so short! I'm glad I finished it because it was sweet at the end.

However (and I say this with full understanding that this sort of book isn't meant to be realistic), this just wasn't believable. Initially I thought the brothers must have known who they were buying which is why they paid for sex. But no, they just randomly decided to buy a virgin together, sharing a woman for the first time, despite being apparently handsome and rich.

It just didn't make sense! Also, they discomfort shown by Lyle with the sharing needed explaining (there motivation behind this sudden decision). There were theories hinted at by Honor but it just didn't work.

Also, Kylians sudden personality change was a bit too abrupt. The epilogue is sweet but the book as a whole just wasn't something I could get lost in as there was too much I couldn't believe in.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Rachael Bromley

1,409 reviews15 followers

February 7, 2024

3 dark brothers and a girl to bring them light.

Honor is auctioned to three men to claw back money for her mother's.medical bills. Believing that this is her rightful path to finally get free, she doesn't envision boys, now men, from her past claiming her and making her free. Kyle, Nate and Julian have never forgot Honor but they always believed that they slunk away and left them to their abusive father while they lived the great life. The truth will always win out. This is a little darker than what I normally read but it was a good book. With great dynamics with the brothers and a slightly different one with Honor. This was part of the rooms series with different authors and title room twenty eight.


170 reviews1 follower

December 12, 2022

This is part of a series, but they are all separate and do not have to be read in order. Honor is down on her luck and in desperate need of money. So she decides to sell her innocence to the highest bidder. Once she arrives at Club Sin, she meets the men that "bought" her, only to find out that she not only knew them, but that they were her childhood friends that she lost contact with when her abused mother left their father. They decide on a contract for a month, but as the guys find out more about Honor and how her life has been, feelings start changing. Through the ups and downs, this is one hot story that was hard to put down without finishing first

Danielle Graves

874 reviews21 followers

March 17, 2023

Hot and Steamy

A hot and steamy read.

After her mother passed away Honor is left with a lot of debt thanks to medical bills. Seeing no way out she auctions off her virginity not expecting it to be the three boys who used to be her step brothers to be the ones to buy her. They aren’t the same boys she knew though.

Lots of spicy scenes, lots of angst and heartbreak but wonderfully written and really enjoyable. It’s told in each persons POV so you can see that sometimes their thoughts and feelings don’t match up with their actions which makes them more likeable even when they aren’t necessarily acting in a way that should.

Misty Schott

3,898 reviews28 followers

August 24, 2023

Can they become a family again?

Kylian, Nate, and Lyle win an auction for a virgin that goes by the name Little Sparrow. They pay for a month's worth of her time, but on the first night they all come to the realization that their virgin is Honor, the girl who almost became their step sister years ago before her mother ran away and left the three brothers to their cruel father. Kylian is determined to make Honor pay for her mother abandoning them to an abusive father. Honor is determined to make the three men understand what really happened when her and her mother fled from their house. This is a great read and I highly recommend it.


20 reviews

December 12, 2022

I say this with every new Stephanie Brother book but damn, she did it again! Every book just keeps getting better and better. Honor is in desperate need of money and offers her virginity at an auction and sells at a high price to three men. Little does she know it ends up being her three long lost step-brothers. Kylian, Nate, and Lyle all come with baggage of a dark past that Honor knows some of but not how deep it goes. Through the book they heal each other and move past it. I highly recommend!

Donna Feibusch

1,638 reviews20 followers

March 14, 2023

Great Read!!!

I enjoyed reading Auctioned To Her Stepbrothers!!!! All about Honor a young women auctioning off her one prized possession to the highest bidder! She’s young and very innocent, but needs a lot of money to get out of debit! Fortunately for her a threesome wants her badly and are willing to double what she’s asking for! Read about Honor and the three handsome/savage men who buy her not for one night, but for a month!!! Lots of emotions and tons of toe curling incidents throughout the book!! Definite Read!!!


865 reviews9 followers

July 29, 2023

So good!

who is a favorite author of mine.

So good!

Kylian, Nate & Lyle buy Honor for her virginity. They all wear masks as they take her virginity, then Ky says a phrase that Honor recognizes & says his name. That's when they figure out who each other is. Instead of the original month that was agreed to, they renegotiate for a week. Honor doesn't know why they seem to hate her. They find out the reason why Honor auctions herself off. They fall in love & move in together.

This was a great book, though Kylian was hard to like. But he got there!


386 reviews8 followers

June 3, 2024

“Sometimes the most imperfect of beginnings lead to the happiest of endings.”

This story was so good. Break your heart for the lives they lived good. Make you happy for the ending good.

3 boys who have been raised by an abusive dad, 1 young lady who was saved from that life and raised poor but loved. They find each other again but Ky just doesn’t know if he can trust her so their start is rocky at best.

Getting little snippets throughout is fantastic and Dick-ass’ karma is the best. Cute story.


164 reviews18 followers

December 10, 2022

I’ve read quite a few books from this author and it’s nothing like what I’ve read! It is a little bit darker, but I wouldn’t call it a dark romance. There were some parts that I got lost as to where which guys was because of the way it transitioned from one part to the next. Other than that, I would recommend for a quick read. If you love group activities, why choose and don’t want anything dark, grab this book!

    2022-read arcs-alc-2023

Rosa Dunahue

1,261 reviews22 followers

December 12, 2022

Honor needs money to pay off past debts and move on with her future, so she enters an auction to sell her innocence. But she never expected her former stepbrothers to win the auction. Kyle, Nate, and Kylian never expected to be reunited with Honor like this but as she heals them from some of the pain their father cause. They all fall in love but not without some steamy scenes, and a few ups & downs. To see them get their HEA is amazing.

N.J. Cooper

Author4 books14 followers

January 4, 2023


Good read. Entertaining and sexy. I liked the balance of spice and drama. The characters had flaws and overcame them which was well done through the story. I just wish there had been more conversations between them. I wish she had spoken up more and they had actually talked more as well as the spice but they only had a proper conversation at the end so it did get there I just wanted more. Other than that, great read. Would recommend.

Ann Manning

667 reviews10 followers

January 14, 2023

Fractured !

This highly complex and complicated family dynamics of four young people caught up in a abusive and totally inappropriate relationship between them was filled with erotic images that the author created for the readers. The author tries to make a happy ending for the readers but it's difficult to imagine that there can be something good about such damaged individuals. This book received a five star rating for it's pure fantasy and unbelievable storyline!


521 reviews3 followers

February 26, 2024

Auctioned To Her Stepbrothers

Stephanie Brother did a good job with this book. The brothers are find won't by their father. Her mom post up with him hitting once and that was all it took for her mom to take her away from there. Her mom wanted to bring the brothers, but they are stuck with that had hateful father of theirs. In the in be got what be deserved. They had their HEA.

MysAmanda D

219 reviews5 followers

December 8, 2022

Wow. 👀 I just have to say this has got to be the hottest book that Stephanie has ever released! The push & pull between Honor & the men was electric. From the beginning throught to the end the chemistry and the fierceness of the attraction is enough to set your kindles on fire! Dark, dirty, & raw and impossible to put down. I wish I could read it for the first time again!

Angie Arnold

243 reviews1 follower

January 15, 2023


I truly never wanted this book to end. It was sweet, raunchy, and a little sad all at the same time. Honor is selling herself and just happens to fall into the laps of her stepbrothers. This story, to me, is about how sometimes you have to be torn down to bare bones before you can build yourself back up stronger than ever. Loved this story!!! Thank you Stephanie!!!!

Crystal Renee

576 reviews

January 16, 2023

Auctioned to Her Stepbrothers

Omg how do I put into words how good this book was!!!!! I literally stumbled across this book looking for a different book and let’s just say I wasn’t let down by Stephanie Brother’s style of writing again!!!!! I sincerely enjoy everything I read from her!!!!


987 reviews1 follower

February 23, 2023

Unfinished business

Honor needs money so she enters in an auction. The Montgomery brothers are there to check it out. They see Honor not knowing who she really is due to the mask. They win but then it's discovered who they all are. They have history, some not good. Can Honor bring the brothers Kylian, Nate and Lyle back together? Very nice book.

Auctioned to her Stepbrothers (Auctioned #1) (2024)
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.