Snowflake in 20 minutes | Snowflake Documentation (2024)


This tutorial uses the Snowflake command line client, SnowSQL, to introduce key concepts and tasks, including:

  • Creating Snowflake objects—You create a database and a table for storing data.

  • Loading data—We provide small sample CSV data files for you to load into the table.

  • Querying—You explore sample queries.


Snowflake bills a minimal amount for the on-disk storage used for the sample data inthis tutorial. The tutorial provides steps to drop the database and minimize storagecost.

Snowflake requires a virtual warehouse to load thedata and execute queries. A running virtual warehouse consumes Snowflake credits.In this tutorial, you will be using a 30-day trial account,which provides free credits, so you won’t incur any costs.

What you’ll learn

In this tutorial you’ll learn how to:

  • Create Snowflake objects—You create a database and a table for storing data.

  • Install SnowSQL—You install and use SnowSQL, the Snowflake command line query tool.

    Users of Visual Studio Code might consider using the Snowflake Extension for Visual Studio Code instead of SnowSQL.

  • Load CSV data files—You use various mechanisms to load data into tables from CSV files.

  • Write and execute sample queries—You write and execute a variety of queries against newly loaded data.


This tutorial requires a database, table, and virtual warehouse to load and query data.Creating these Snowflake objects requires a Snowflake user with a role with thenecessary access control privileges. In addition, SnowSQLis required to execute the SQL statements in the tutorial. Lastly, the tutorial requires CSV files that contain sample data to load.

You can complete this tutorial using an existing Snowflake warehouse, database, and table, and your own local data files, but we recommend using the Snowflake objects and the set ofprovided data.

To set up Snowflake for this tutorial, complete the following before continuing:

  1. Create a user

    To create the database, table, and virtual warehouse, you must be logged in as aSnowflake user with a role that grants you the privileges to create these objects.

    • If you’re using a 30-day trial account, you can log in as the user that was created for the account.This user has the role with the privileges needed to create the objects.

    • If you don’t have a Snowflake user, you can’t perform this tutorial.If you don’t have a role that lets you create a user, ask someone who does to perform this step for you.Users with the ACCOUNTADMIN or SECURITYADMIN role can create users.

  2. Install SnowSQL

    To install SnowSQL, see Installing SnowSQL.

  3. Download sample data files

    For this tutorial you download sample employee data files in CSV format that Snowflake provides.

    To download and unzip the sample data files:

    1. Download the set of sample data files. Right-click the name of the archivefile,, and save the link/file to your local file system.

    2. Unzip the sample files. The tutorial assumes you unpacked files into one of the following directories:

    • Linux/macOS: /tmp

    • Windows: C:\\temp

    Each file has five data records. The data uses a comma (,) character as fielddelimiter. The following is an example record:

    Althea,Featherstone,,"8172 Browning Street, Apt B",Calatrava,7/12/2017


There are no blank spaces before or after the commas separating thefields in each record. This is the default that Snowflake expects when loading CSV data.

Log in to SnowSQL

After you have SnowSQL, start SnowSQL to connect to Snowflake:

  1. Open a command line window.

  2. Start SnowSQL:

    $ snowsql -a <account_identifier> -u <user_name>



    • <account_identifier> is the unique identifier for your Snowflake account.

      The preferred format of the account identifier is as follows:


      Names of your Snowflake organization and account. For more information, see Format 1 (preferred): Account name in your organization.

    • <user_name> is the login name for your Snowflake user.


    If your account has an identity provider (IdP) that has been defined for your account, you can use a web browser to authenticate instead of a password, as the following example demonstrates:

    $ snowsql -a <account_identifier> -u <user_name> --authenticator externalbrowser


    For more information, see Using a web browser for federated authentication/SSO.

  3. When SnowSQL prompts you, enter the password for your Snowflake user.

If you log in successfully, SnowSQL displays a command prompt that includesyour current warehouse, database, and schema.


If you get locked out of the account and can’t obtain the account identifier, you can find it in the Welcome email that Snowflake sent toyou when you signed up for the trial account, or you can work with yourORGADMIN to get the account details.You can also find the values for locator, cloud, and regionin the Welcome email.

If your Snowflake user doesn’t have a default warehouse, database, and schema, or ifyou didn’t configure SnowSQL to specify a default warehouse, database, and schema,the prompt displays no warehouse, no database, and no schema. For example:

user-name#(no warehouse)@(no database).(no schema)>


This prompt indicates that there is no warehouse, database, and schemaselected for the current session. You create these objectsin the next step. As you follow the next steps in this tutorial to createthese objects, the prompt automatically updates to include the names of these objects.

For more information, see Connecting through SnowSQL.

Create Snowflake objects

During this step you create the following Snowflake objects:

  • A database (sf_tuts) and a table (emp_basic). You load sample data into this table.

  • A virtual warehouse (sf_tuts_wh).This warehouse provides the compute resources needed to load data intothe table and query the table. For this tutorial, you create an X-Small warehouse.

At the completion of this tutorial, you will remove these objects.

Create a database

Create the sf_tuts database using the CREATE DATABASE command:



In this tutorial, you use the default schema (public) available for each database, rather than creating a new schema.

Note that the database and schema you just created are now in use for your currentsession, as reflected in the SnowSQL command prompt. You can also use the contextfunctions to get this information.



The following is an example result:

+--------------------+------------------+| CURRENT_DATABASE() | CURRENT_SCHEMA() ||--------------------+------------------|| SF_TUTS | PUBLIC |+--------------------+------------------+

Create a table

Create a table named emp_basic in sf_tuts.public using the CREATE TABLE command:

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE emp_basic ( first_name STRING , last_name STRING , email STRING , streetaddress STRING , city STRING , start_date DATE );


Note that the number of columns in the table, their positions, and their data types correspond to the fields in the sample CSV data files that you stage in the next step in this tutorial.

Create a virtual warehouse

Create an X-Small warehouse named sf_tuts_wh using the CREATE WAREHOUSE command:



The sf_tuts_wh warehouse is initially suspended, but the DML statement also setsAUTO_RESUME = true. The AUTO_RESUME setting causes a warehouse to automatically startwhen SQL statements that require compute resources are executed.

After you create the warehouse, it’s now in use for your current session.This information is displayed in your SnowSQL command prompt. You can also retrievethe name of the warehouse by using the following context function:



The following is an example result:

+---------------------+| CURRENT_WAREHOUSE() ||---------------------|| SF_TUTS_WH |+---------------------+

Stage data files

A Snowflake stage is a location in cloud storage that you use to load andunload data from a table. Snowflake supports the following types of stages:

  • Internal stages—Used to store data files internally within Snowflake. Each user and table in Snowflake gets an internal stage by default for staging data files.

  • External stages—Used to store data files externally in Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure.If your data is already stored in these cloud storage services, you can use an external stage to load data in Snowflake tables.

In this tutorial, we upload the sample data files(downloaded in Prerequisites)to the internal stage for the emp_basic table that you created earlier. You use the PUT commandto upload the sample data files to that stage.

Staging sample data files

Execute the PUT command in SnowSQL to upload local data files to the table stageprovided for the emp_basic table you created.

PUT file://<file-path>[/\]employees0*.csv @sf_tuts.public.%emp_basic;


For example:

  • Linux or macOS

    PUT file:///tmp/employees0*.csv @sf_tuts.public.%emp_basic;


  • Windows

    PUT file://C:\temp\employees0*.csv @sf_tuts.public.%emp_basic;


Let’s take a closer look at the command:

  • file://<file-path>[/]employees0*.csv specifies the full directory path andnames of the files on your local machine to stage. Note that file system wildcards are allowed, and if multiple files fit the pattern they are all displayed.

  • @<namespace>.%<table_name> indicates to use the stage for the specified table, in this case the emp_basic table.

The command returns the following result, showing the staged files:

+-----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------+--------------------+----------+---------+| source | target | source_size | target_size | source_compression | target_compression | status | message ||-----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------+--------------------+----------+---------|| employees01.csv | employees01.csv.gz | 360 | 287 | NONE | GZIP | UPLOADED | || employees02.csv | employees02.csv.gz | 355 | 274 | NONE | GZIP | UPLOADED | || employees03.csv | employees03.csv.gz | 397 | 295 | NONE | GZIP | UPLOADED | || employees04.csv | employees04.csv.gz | 366 | 288 | NONE | GZIP | UPLOADED | || employees05.csv | employees05.csv.gz | 394 | 299 | NONE | GZIP | UPLOADED | |+-----------------+--------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------+--------------------+----------+---------+

The PUT command compresses files by default using gzip, as indicated in the TARGET_COMPRESSION column.

Listing the staged files (Optional)

You can list the staged files using the LIST command.

LIST @sf_tuts.public.%emp_basic;


The following is an example result:

+--------------------+------+----------------------------------+------------------------------+| name | size | md5 | last_modified ||--------------------+------+----------------------------------+------------------------------|| employees01.csv.gz | 288 | a851f2cc56138b0cd16cb603a97e74b1 | Tue, 9 Jan 2018 15:31:44 GMT || employees02.csv.gz | 288 | 125f5645ea500b0fde0cdd5f54029db9 | Tue, 9 Jan 2018 15:31:44 GMT || employees03.csv.gz | 304 | eafee33d3e62f079a054260503ddb921 | Tue, 9 Jan 2018 15:31:45 GMT || employees04.csv.gz | 304 | 9984ab077684fbcec93ae37479fa2f4d | Tue, 9 Jan 2018 15:31:44 GMT || employees05.csv.gz | 304 | 8ad4dc63a095332e158786cb6e8532d0 | Tue, 9 Jan 2018 15:31:44 GMT |+--------------------+------+----------------------------------+------------------------------+

Copy data into target tables

To load your staged data into the target table, execute COPY INTO <table>.

The COPY INTO <table> command uses the virtual warehouse you createdin Create Snowflake objects to copy files.

COPY INTO emp_basic FROM @%emp_basic FILE_FORMAT = (type = csv field_optionally_enclosed_by='"') PATTERN = '.*employees0[1-5].csv.gz' ON_ERROR = 'skip_file';



  • The FROM clause specifies the location containing the data files (the internal stage for the table).

  • The FILE_FORMAT clause specifies the file type as CSV, and specifies the double-quotecharacter (") as the character used to enclose strings. Snowflake supportsdiverse file types and options. These are describedin CREATE FILE FORMAT.

  • The PATTERN clause specifies that the command should load data from the filenames matchingthis regular expression (.*employees0[1-5].csv.gz).

  • The ON_ERROR clause specifies what to do when the COPY command encounters errors in the files. By default, the command stops loading datawhen the first error is encountered. This example skips any file containing an error and moves on to loadingthe next file. (None of the files in this tutorial contain errors; this is included for illustration purposes.)

The COPY command also provides an option for validating files before they are loaded. For more information about additional error checking and validation instructions, see the COPY INTO <table> topic and the other data loading tutorials.

The COPY command returns a result showing the list of files copied and related information:

+--------------------+--------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+------------------+-----------------------+-------------------------+| file | status | rows_parsed | rows_loaded | error_limit | errors_seen | first_error | first_error_line | first_error_character | first_error_column_name ||--------------------+--------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+------------------+-----------------------+-------------------------|| employees02.csv.gz | LOADED | 5 | 5 | 1 | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL || employees04.csv.gz | LOADED | 5 | 5 | 1 | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL || employees05.csv.gz | LOADED | 5 | 5 | 1 | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL || employees03.csv.gz | LOADED | 5 | 5 | 1 | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL || employees01.csv.gz | LOADED | 5 | 5 | 1 | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |+--------------------+--------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+------------------+-----------------------+-------------------------+

Query loaded data

You can query the data loaded in the emp_basic table using standard SQL and any supportedfunctions andoperators.

You can also manipulate the data, such as updating the loaded data or inserting more data, using standard DML commands.

Retrieve all data

Return all rows and columns from the table:

SELECT * FROM emp_basic;


The following is a partial result:

+------------+--------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------+------------+| FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME | EMAIL | STREETADDRESS | CITY | START_DATE ||------------+--------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------+------------|| Arlene | Davidovits | | 7571 New Castle Circle | Meniko | 2017-05-03 || Violette | Shermore | | 899 Merchant Center | Troitsk | 2017-01-19 || Ron | Mattys | | 423 Lien Pass | Bayaguana | 2017-11-15 | ... ... ...| Carson | Bedder | | 71 Clyde Gallagher Place | Leninskoye | 2017-03-29 || Dana | Avory | | 2 Holy Cross Pass | Wenlin | 2017-05-11 || Ronny | Talmadge | | 588 Chinook Street | Yawata | 2017-06-02 |+------------+--------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------+------------+


Insert additional data rows

In addition to loading data from staged files into a table, you can insert rows directly into a table using the INSERT DML command.

For example, to insert two additional rows into the table:

INSERT INTO emp_basic VALUES ('Clementine','Adamou','','10510 Sachs Road','Klenak','2017-9-22') , ('Marlowe','De Anesy','','36768 Northfield Plaza','Fangshan','2017-1-26');


Query rows based on email address

Return a list of email addresses with United Kingdom top-level domains using the [ NOT ] LIKE function:

SELECT email FROM emp_basic WHERE email LIKE '';


The following is an example result:

+--------------------------+| EMAIL ||--------------------------|| || || |+--------------------------+

Query rows based on start date

For example, to calculate when certain employee benefits might start, add 90 days to employee startdates using the DATEADD function. Filter the list by employees whose start date occurred earlier than January 1, 2017:

SELECT first_name, last_name, DATEADD('day',90,start_date) FROM emp_basic WHERE start_date <= '2017-01-01';


The following is an example result:

+------------+-----------+------------------------------+| FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME | DATEADD('DAY',90,START_DATE) ||------------+-----------+------------------------------|| Granger | Bassford | 2017-03-30 || Catherin | Devereu | 2017-03-17 || Cesar | Hovie | 2017-03-21 || Wallis | Sizey | 2017-03-30 |+------------+-----------+------------------------------+

Summary, clean up, and additional resources

Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed this introductory tutorial.

Take a few minutes to review a short summary and the key points covered in the tutorial.You might also want to consider cleaning up by dropping any objects you created in the tutorial.Learn more by reviewing other topics in the Snowflake Documentation.

Summary and key points

In summary, data loading is performed in two steps:

  1. Stage the data files to load. The files can be staged internally (in Snowflake) or in an external location. In this tutorial, you stage files internally.

  2. Copy data from the staged files into an existing target table. A runningwarehouse is required for this step.

Remember the following key points about loading CSV files:

  • A CSV file consists of 1 or more records, with 1 or more fields in each record, and sometimes a header record.

  • Records and fields in each file are separated by delimiters. The default delimiters are:


    newline characters



    In other words, Snowflake expects each record in a CSV file to be separated by new lines and the fields (i.e. individual values) in each record to be separated by commas. If differentcharacters are used as record and field delimiters, you must explicitly specify this as part of the file format when loading.

  • There is a direct correlation between the fields in the files and the columns in the table you will be loading, in terms of:

    • Number of fields (in the file) and columns (in the target table).

    • Positions of the fields and columns within their respective file/table.

    • Data types, such as string, number, or date, for fields and columns.

    The records will not be loaded if the numbers, positions, and data types don’t align with the data.


    Snowflake supports loading files in which the fields don’t exactly align with the columns in the target table;however, this is a more advanced data loading topic (covered inTransforming data during a load).

Tutorial cleanup (Optional)

If the objects you created in this tutorial are no longer needed,you can remove them from the system with DROP <object> statements.



Exit the connection

To exit a connection, use the !exit command for SnowSQL (or its alias, !disconnect).

Exit drops the current connection and quits SnowSQL if it is the last connection.

What’s next?

Continue learning about Snowflake using the following resources:

  • Complete the other tutorials provided by Snowflake:

    • Snowflake Tutorials

  • Familiarize yourself with key Snowflake concepts and features, as well as the SQL commands to perform queries and insert/update data:

    • Introduction to Snowflake

    • Query syntax

    • Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands

Snowflake in 20 minutes | Snowflake Documentation (2024)


What is a Snowflake in simple terms? ›

A Snowflake database is where an organization's uploaded structured and semistructured data sets are held for processing and analysis. Snowflake automatically manages all parts of the data storage process, including organization, structure, metadata, file size, compression, and statistics.

How difficult is Snowflake? ›

Overall, the Snowflake certification examinations are straightforward but complex. It necessitates a thorough understanding of the Snowflake Cloud Data Platform and much effort and practice. You should be able to pass the exams and become certified if you are ready to put in the time and effort.

How to learn snowflakes from scratch? ›

These steps will create a new Snowflake database, define a CSV file format, create a stage to store local files, upload a CSV file to the stage, create a new table, load the CSV data into the table, and finally verify the operation by counting the number of rows in the table.

What is the time limit for Snowflake? ›

The timeout period begins upon a successful authentication to Snowflake. If a session policy is not set, Snowflake uses a default value of 240 minutes (i.e. 4 hours). The minimum configurable idle timeout value for a session policy is 5 minutes.

What is Snowflake in a nutshell? ›

Snowflake enables data storage, processing, and analytic solutions that are faster, easier to use, and far more flexible than traditional offerings. The Snowflake data platform is not built on any existing database technology or “big data” software platforms such as Hadoop.

What is Snowflake explained for kids? ›

Tiny crystals of ice that fall to Earth are called snow. A crystal is a solid substance that has flat surfaces and sharp corners. Snowfall is made up of both single ice crystals and clumps of ice crystals. The clumps are called snowflakes.

What are the disadvantages of Snowflake? ›

Disadvantages of the Snowflake Schema
  • Harder to design compared to a star schema.
  • Maintenance can be more complex due to a large number of different tables in the data warehouse.
  • Queries can be very complex, including many levels of joins between many tables.
Sep 23, 2020

Why Snowflake is better than SQL? ›

Snowflake provides a scalable, secure, and fully managed data warehousing solution, making it suitable for organizations that need to store, process, and analyze large volumes of structured and semi-structured data.

How fast can I learn Snowflake? ›

The time it takes to learn Snowflake varies based on individual experience and learning goals. For beginners who have familiarity with SQL and data warehousing, it may take a few weeks of consistent practice to grasp the fundamentals.

Can I learn Snowflake on my own? ›

With our comprehensive training solutions, including self-paced online courses and instructor-led training, we empower organizations to accelerate the development of key skills and fully leverage the power of Snowflake.

Is coding required for Snowflake? ›

Certainly. Snowflake Developer skills are highly adaptable to other data-focused roles. Proficiency in SQL, data modeling, and understanding of cloud infrastructure are valuable in database administration, data engineering, and business intelligence.

Is Snowflake a database? ›

Snowflake provides a system-defined, read-only shared database named SNOWFLAKE that contains metadata and historical usage data about the objects in your organization and accounts.

How many types of tables do we have in Snowflake? ›

Snowflake offers three types of tables namely, Temporary, Transient & Permanent. The default is Permanent. Temporary tables: Only exist within the session in which they were created and persist only for the remainder of the session.

What are the stages of Snowflake? ›

There are three types of internal stages in Snowflake: user, table, and named stages. Each type has its own characteristics and use cases. You can create and use internal stages using the web interface (Snowsight) or simple SQL command.

Where is data stored in Snowflake? ›

This optimized data is stored in a cloud object storage such as S3 by AWS, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. Customers can neither see nor access these data objects. They use Snowflake to run SQL query operations.

What does it mean if someone is a Snowflake? ›

Snowflake is a derogatory slang term for a person, implying that they have an inflated sense of uniqueness, an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions.

What is the old meaning of Snowflake? ›

Merriam-Webster's Brewster says that during the Civil War era in Missouri, a “Snowflake” was “a person who was opposed to the abolition of slavery—the implication of the name being that such people valued white people over black people.” In the 1970s, it was used for a black or white man who was “acting white.” The ...

How do snowflakes form simple explanation? ›

Q: How are snowflakes formed? A: A snowflake begins to form when an extremely cold water droplet freezes onto a pollen or dust particle in the sky. This creates an ice crystal. As the ice crystal falls to the ground, water vapor freezes onto the primary crystal, building new crystals – the six arms of the snowflake.

What are the characteristics of a Snowflake? ›

All snowflakes contain six sides or points owing to the way in which they form. The molecules in ice crystals join to one another in a hexagonal structure, an arrangement which allows water molecules - each with one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms - to form together in the most efficient way.

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