The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri (2024)

EWS -L EADER 3E forthepriceoftwo.Theleastexpensiveitemisonthehouse--absolutelyFREE! TELESCOPE (withtabletoptripod) are25x30.Thismeansthatyouget25x capacityofa30mmobjectivelens.The scopeisfullychromed(overbrass) durability. henAdmiralFarragutfoughthislegendarynavalbattleshe usedatelescopejustlikethistomonitorthemovementsofthe ofthefamousoriginalisabout5 longinitscollapsedpositionand 13 whenextendedtofulloperatinglength. unaidedeye.ADMIRALFARRAGUT’STELESCOPEcomeswith extendedobservations. hisisalittleopticalmarvel.PANSCOPE (only2 long)containsacompleteopticalsystem initstinybody.Youmayuseitasa3xtelescopeorasaunique3x functionsasa30xmicroscopeoflaboratoryquality. Aspecialstandforlong-termobservationfor15xand30x microscopeisincluded.

absoluteclarityandwithfullchromaticcorrection. PANSCOPE (thecompleteopticalsystem) observationsat15xand30x. Youhaveseensuchzoombinoculars 6xto18xJOMIRAZOOMS from6xto18xoranythingin unexpecteddetails.Porroprism constructionandruby-coatedlenses arethebestinopticalconstruction.The18mmobjectivelenses loopedcarrycaseandstrap. OMIRAZOOMSaretheabsolutelyultimateinbinoculars.Theyfit inyour handandweighlessthan7ozs.Buttheypackanenormouswallopintheir smallbody.Porroroof-prismconstructionandruby-coatedlensesguarantee pinpointsharpnessatanydistance.The18mmobjectivelensesprovidegreat light-gatheringcapacitymakingJOMIRAZOOMSutterlyreliableevenin thedimlightofdawnordusk.Thezoomleverletsyousmoothlychangethe isthrowingafastballoraslider.Therecanbenothingmoreusefulforsports, isaninstrumentthatshouldbeineveryhome. JOMIRASCOPE 8x20monocular body.Its8x20fullyprismaticandhard-coatedopticsgiveyou8x mmobjectivelensaffordsunusuallightgatheringevenatduskor dawn.Whatwasthatrustlinginthebushes?WithJOMIRASCOPE instrumentofchoice.Muchsmallerthaneven pocket binocularsand JOMIRASCOPEshouldbeyour constantcompanion.Anddoconsiderthe25xmicroscopeattachment opticalsystem.

objectivelens.Itcomesinaneatzippered carryingcase.Theobjectivelenscanbeusedasan8xmagnifier.A25x RADIO-CONTROLLEDCLOCK foranyhomeoroffice.Itmeasures5-3/4”x4½”andcanbeset onyourdeskorhungonthewall.Timeisdisplayedininch-high digits.Inadditiontothetime(hours,minutes,seconds),you (orinC). snoozebuttonwhichalsoactivatestheback-litfunctionwhen pressedforthoseextrawinks. eclockiscontrolledbyaradio signalemittedbyaU.S.governmentdepartment;thatensuresup- yougetit.Youdon’tevenhavetosetit—itsetsitself. Clockmakesitanadornment worksontwo(included) AA-batteriesandisreadyto gowhenyougetit. Argonaut TM Watch I ncontrasttomanyhighlyadvertised Argonaut TM isnota mechanicalwatch.Itispoweredbyan exquisiteJapanesequartzmovement.Besides parts.Nothingcangowrongorwearout.Andnomatterhowmany jewelstheymayhavethatinevitablyhappenswithmechanicalwatches- sometimesassoonaswithinayear.

Weguaranteethe Argonaut TM forthreefullyears.Ifyoutreatit reasonablywellitshouldlastyoualifetime.The Argonaut TM Watchisof solidstainlesssteelconstruction.Itisguaranteedtobewatertighttoabout 330ft.You’llneverdivethatdeep.Accuracyisguaranteedto3secs./month. Youwillneedtochangethebatteryinabouttwoyears.Itshouldn’tcost Argonaut TM Watchisathingofruggedmasculine beauty.Itcomeswithasplendidadjustablestainlesssteelband. Weshipthesamedaywereceiveyourorder.PleasegiveordercodeA310. SL-0000427592 TheFirstDayofSchool- isamemorableevent! $15willincludeColorPhotoandinformationto Lastname: Firstname: Message gannett.comandarepresentativewill contact youforpaymentandprovideyouaproof. News-LeaderPress-Gazette youhavetherighttopermitSpringfieldMediatouseandpublish.

2017 Sept.14,2017 Takeyourfavoritephoto fromtheFirstDayof Schoolandsubmitittous. CertificateofDeposit 1 Springfield 1 earnings.PenaltyforEarlyWithdrawal.Pleasecallusorseeour“TermsandConditions”and“FeeSchedules”forspecificsonthe account.ThisofferisforregularorIRAfunds.TheAPYiseffective7/17/2017andthispromotionalratemaybewithdrawnatanytime andissubjecttochangewithoutnotice.Minimumdepositis$10,000.TheNationalRatefor12-monthCDsasof7/24/2017was0.26%. federallyinsuredbanksandcreditunionsacrossAmerica. OpenyourCDtoday! Keepyourmoneysafe Top100HealthiestBanks. Security camera network set up CAPE GIRARDEAU- Police in southeast Missouri are partnering with businesses and homeowners to more effectively use security-camera footage in criminal investigations.

The Southeast Missourian reports the Cape Girardeau Police Department has set up a voluntary, free database of security cameras in the city only be used for aiding investigations and not for general surveillance. Police crime analyst Cpl. Ryan Droege says police make camera owners grant them access to the video, but they can ask owners for help in investigations by providing footage. He says he hopes the database extradites that process. Droege says some registrants have already opted in since the program was announced Thursday.

Department officials say they hope as many cameras owners as possible will consider joining the database. Tuesday shooting leaves 2 men dead ST. LOUIS Two men are dead after a shooting in north St. Louis. The shooting happened Tuesday afternoon.

Police say 44-year-old Matthew Barry and 45- year-old Otis Bennett were killed during an argument with a 34-year- old suspect. Barry was found in the seat of a car with gunshot wounds to the head and chest. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Bennett was also shot in the head and died at a hospital. The suspect was arrested Wednesday morning.

It immediately clear if charges have been filed. Police have not re- leased information about what led to the argument that resulted in the shooting. Busches will keep Farm free ST. LOUIS Five members of the Busch family say they will purchase Farm and keep the St. Louis County attraction free and open to the public.

The announcement Wednesday ends a two- year dispute among siblings of the family that founded the Anheuser- Busch brewery. The sale price was not disclosed. Four of the six siblings banded together and wanted to buy Farm. Their brother, Kraftig owner Billy Busch, also wanted to buy it with plans to build abrewery on site. He had the support of one brother.

Ajudge gave trust manager Wells Fargo power to decide on the sale. Billy Busch says in a statement he is happy that farm will remain with the family. He has the option of buying in with his siblings. Fair St. Louis goes back to the Arch ST.

LOUIS With renovations of the Gateway Arch grounds nearly complete, one of the largest Fourth of July celebrations is moving back to its original location. Organizers of Fair St. Louis announced Wednesday that the 2018 event will return to the Arch grounds after four years at Forest Park. The CityArchRiver project that includes a $380 million renovation of the Arch grounds and surrounding areas will be completed by next fair. Fair St.

Louis originated in 1981. The 2018 fair will be July 4, July 6 and July 7. In addition to food, music, fireworks and other activities, organizers say the air show will return. The CityArchRiver project is a partnership between the National Park Service and several private and public organizations. Kansas City Star sells its building KANSAS CITY- The sale of The Kansas City 106-year-old headquarters in downtown Kansas City is expected to be completed Thursday.

Star Publisher Tony Berg announced the scheduled closing to employees on Wednesday. The building will be sold to Kansas City-based 3D Development, through an entity called 1729 Grand Boulevard LLC. It is led by developer Vince Bryant. The Star reports about 200 employees will move across the street into Press Pavilion. The move is expected within a year.

Berg says The Star will rent space in the headquarters and build a modern newsroom during the year before the move. 1dead, 1 hurt in St. Louis shooting ST. LOUIS Homicide detectives are investigating a shooting in St. Louis that left one man dead and another injured.

Police tell The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that officers responded to calls of a shooting Tuesday near a store entrance, where two men sustained gunshot wounds. The men were treated in the hospital, where one of them was pronounced dead. Police say a 39-year- old man shot in the chest was unconscious and not breathing when authorities arrived. The other man was shot in the head but was reported conscious.


The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.