Truckers Report Forums (2025)

1. Trucking Forum | #1 CDL Truck Driver Message

  • Report A BAD Trucking ...

  • Join the largest trucking forum! All your questions about the best truck driver jobs and training answered by thousands of experienced truckers Trucking Forum | #1 CDL Truck Driver Message

2. Trucking Jobs, CDL Training, Tests, Forum - TruckersReport

Trucking Jobs, CDL Training, Tests, Forum - TruckersReport

3. Trucker's Forum - The Friendliest You'll Find Anywhere - Trucking Truth

  • Our Trucker's Forum is a super friendly and helpful place where you'll finding the answers you'll need about starting a career as a truck driver.

4. 6 Trucking Forums That You Should Follow - ATBS

  • 15 feb 2023 · Truckers Report. The Truckers Report forum currently has over 243,000 members, 321,000 discussions, and 6,700,000 messages. There are many ...

  • Because of this, online forums have become a great place for truck drivers to converse with others in the industry.

6 Trucking Forums That You Should Follow - ATBS

5. TruckersReport - Facebook

  • Calling all truckers! It's #ForumFriday and we've got a hot topic that needs your expert insights and experiences. Join the conversation on these topics: ...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

6. Best Trucking Forums in Canada - Commercial Capital LLC

  • These forums can provide advice on how to start, find loads, or grow your trucking company. Several forums focus on Canadian owner-operators.

  • Online trucking forums are one of the best resources for new and growing trucking companies. Most forums have seasoned truckers that participate in daily co ...

Best Trucking Forums in Canada - Commercial Capital LLC

7. Trucking Forums: Messages to Truck Drivers - Advanced Career Institute

  • 23 sep 2015 · This page is a collection of messages posted by drivers in the trucking community, who have shared Questions and Answers on trucking forums across the internet.

  • Welcome to the Message Board. This page is a collection of messages posted by drivers in the trucking community, who have shared Questions and Answers on

Trucking Forums: Messages to Truck Drivers - Advanced Career Institute

8. Truckers Report Website? - Page 1 | TruckingTruth Forum

  • There's a couple 'helpful' people on there, few and far between. About 90percent are CB trash talkers and truck stop counter folk. I wish it were different, but ...

  • Is truckers a good site as additional info for the industry? Is anyone familiar with the site? Or is there any recommendations of sites that I can us - Page 1.

Truckers Report Forums (2025)


Why do so many truck drivers quit? ›

Many truck drivers feel unappreciated when working with carriers. Often, they are not given respect or recognition for their hard work and dedication to the industry. This lack of appreciation can lead to feelings of frustration and resentment, leading them to look for other opportunities where they can feel valued.

Is it hard being a local truck driver? ›

City driving is often required.

If driving on busy roads isn't your preference, keep in mind that local truck drivers spend more time driving in traffic-heavy areas like ports and railyards in large cities. But don't rule out local driving just because you dislike driving on busy roads or through cities!

Are truck drivers satisfied? ›

An ongoing survey conducted by Career Explorer reveals that most truck drivers rate their career happiness at 2.7 out of 5 stars, positioning them in the bottom 10% of careers.

How do you know if you would be a good truck driver? ›

Top 10 Traits of a Good Truck Driver
  • Self-motivated. Most of the time, you'll be out on the road alone. ...
  • Reliable. Good truck drivers do what they say they'll do when they say they'll do it. ...
  • Stress management. ...
  • A clean driving record. ...
  • Courteousness. ...
  • Alertness. ...
  • Healthy habits. ...
  • Mechanical skills.

Is trucking on the decline? ›

The volumes are down 10.4 percent over two years according to details of the report. Freight volumes are down according to Case Freight Index data compiled in a report authored by ACT Research's Tim Denoyer. The decline is from June 2023 to June 2024 in what Case calls a market characterized by overcapacity.

Why do truckers leave their trucks running all night? ›

The main reasons a driver would choose to leave their truck's engine on are to: Regulate the temperature inside the cab when it's extremely hot or cold outside. Prevent the battery from dying. Keep the engine warm for their next trip.

What is the hardest truck driving job? ›

Oversize Load Trucker

The job is challenging as they transport massive payloads such as large construction equipment and windmills. Additional certifications and specific experience are needed for the oversize load truck role.

What does the average local truck driver make a year? ›

Local Truck Driver Salary in Los Angeles, CA
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$87,278$7,273
75th Percentile$78,100$6,508
25th Percentile$53,900$4,491

Is trucking hard on the body? ›

Musculoskeletal Injuries

Due to limited mobility in the cabin, drivers may not be able to move their muscles much even if they want to. Sitting on the same seat for hours can lead to neck and back injuries. Plus, their bodies can develop spasms due to overexertion on the body.

What is the best personality for a truck driver? ›

Truckers should be motivated and self-starting since you won't have a supervisor monitoring your every move like in some other jobs. If the idea of an adventurous career with a sense of independence appeals to you, exploring truck driving might be the next step in your journey.

What do truck drivers struggle with? ›

Truck drivers face the constant risk of road accidents, navigating through traffic, and challenging weather conditions. Ensuring the safety of both the driver and the cargo requires vigilance and adherence to safety protocols.

What is a disadvantage of being a truck driver? ›

Another downside of truck driving is that it can be very lonely. You will be spending a lot of time on the road by yourself, and you may not get to see your family and friends as often as you would like. If you are the type of person who thrives on social interaction, this may not be the right career for you.

What is the life of a truck driver like? ›

Unlike the typical 9-to-5er who has weekends and evenings off, truck drivers are on the road for weeks at a time, meaning there is some adapting you'll need as you adjust to an exciting new career. The truck is your home. You'll be living in it for hours at a time, so you need to make it comfortable.

What is most important for a truck driver? ›

Safe driving is the most important skill a trucker can have. Most companies will prioritize your ability to make the right decisions on the road and maintain a clean driving record above anything else.

Are truck drivers tough? ›

Truck Driving Can Be Hard, But Rewarding

Truck driving isn't always easy, but once you complete TDI's three-week truck driving school and launch your career on the road, the benefits far outweigh the challenges. Trucking Forum | #1 CDL ...TruckersReport.com ›

Join the largest trucking forum! All your questions about the best truck driver jobs and training answered by thousands of experienced truckers.
It's time to take the reins behind the wheel and be able to test everything you've learned. Although in reality, experience is what counts, so this make...
r/Truckers: The best trucker subreddit out there.

Why do truckers get pulled over so much? ›

Speeding – While is the most common violation, it is one that can be easily prevented. It's typically coupled with following too closely to another vehicle. Law enforcement agents can also inspect your credentials and vehicle during the stop, which could result in more fines.

Why are truckers struggling? ›

Impact of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the trucking industry. Many drivers were laid off or chose to leave due to health concerns or to care for family members. The pandemic also disrupted training and licensing processes, creating a backlog of new drivers trying to enter the industry.

Why are so many trucking companies closing? ›

Failing to create a solid business plan, poorly managing expenses, and missing important DOT compliance requirements can cause small trucking companies and owner-operators to shut down early on in their business ventures.

Why is trucker turnover so high? ›

Factors That Contribute to Driver Turnover

Extreme driving conditions. High stress levels. Isolation and loneliness. Limited personal time.

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.