WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (2024)

WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (1)

In this WoW SoD Paladin Healer spec, you will find the best build for Holy Paladins in the Season of Discovery in WoW Classic. The build shows the best talents, runes, BiS gear, and enchants to heal in dungeons and raids as a Holy Paladin.

πŸ“‚ WoW Classic Wiki

πŸ“… Last updated on August 11, 2024.

Table of Contents

  1. SoD Phase 4 Holy Paladin BiS List
  2. SoD Phase 4 Holy Paladin Pre-Raid BiS List
  3. Holy Paladin Consumables in SoD
  4. SoD Phase 3 Holy Paladin Pre-Raid BiS List
  5. SoD Phase 3 BiS List for Holy Paladins
  6. Holy Paladin Stat Priority
  7. Paladin Macros in WoW Classic
  8. More Builds for Paladins in Season of Discovery

WoW SoD Holy Paladin Talents & Runes

Choose the following talents and runes as a Holy WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (2)Paladin for Phase 4 at level 60:


Learn where to find each rune in our guide Paladin Runes for Season of Discovery.

SoD Phase 4 Holy Paladin BiS List

The following Holy WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (3)Paladin BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery to heal in raids and dungeons:

  • Head (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (4)Arcanum of Focus)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (5)Crystal Adorned Crown (Azuregos in Azshara)
  • Neck
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (6)Heart of Golemagg (Molten Core)
  • Shoulders (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (7)Atal'ai Signet of Serenity)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (8)Lawbringer Spaulders (Molten Core)
  • Back (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (9)Enchant Cloak - Greater Resistance)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (10)Hide of the Wild (Leatherworking)
  • Chest (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (11)Enchant Chest - Greater Stats)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (12)Lawbringer Chestplate (Molten Core)
  • Wrist (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (13)Enchant Bracer - Healing Power)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (14)Lawbringer Bracers (Molten Core)
  • Hands
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (15)Lawbringer Gauntlets (Molten Core)
  • Waist
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (16)Lawbringer Belt (Molten Core)
  • Legs (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (17)Arcanum of Focus)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (18)Lawbringer Legplates (Molten Core)
  • Feet (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (19)Enchant Boots - Minor Speed)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (20)Tempered Dark Iron Boots (Molten Core) 1
  • Rings
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (21)Cauterizing Band (Molten Core)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (22)Ring of Entropy (Lord Kazzak)
  • Trinkets
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (23)Shard of the Flame (Molten Core)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (24)Shard of the Scale (Onyxia)
  • Weapon (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (25)Enchant Weapon - Healing Power)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (26)Aurastone Hammer (Molten Core)
  • Off-Hand (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (27)Enchant Shield - Law of Nature)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (28)Malistar's Defender (Molten Core)
  • Libram
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (29)Libram of Divinity (Scholomance)

1 You get WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (30)Tempered Dark Iron Boots by turning in WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (31)Dark Iron Boots, 25 WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (32)Firelands Ember, and 2 WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (33)Lava Core at Lokhtos Darkbargainer in Blackrock Depths. WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (34)Dark Iron Boots is crafted with Blacksmithing and requires materials from Molten Core.

Fire Resistance for Heat Level 2 and Heat Level 3

To raid the more difficult heat levels in Molten Core you need to hit Fire Resistance thresholds. For Heat Level 2 you need at least 96 Fire Resistance and for Heat Level 3 you need at least 226 Fire Resistance. To increase your Fire Resistance you can equip gear, utilize enchantments, use consumables, and use buffs or activate your WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (35)Fire Resistance Aura.

Use the following sources to increase your Fire Resistance to the required threshold:

  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (36)Fire Resistance Aura (does not stack with WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (37)Mark of the Wild)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (38)Lesser Arcanum of Resilience (Head & Legs Enchants, WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (39)Libram of Resilience)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (40)Blessed Flame Mantle of the Dawn (Argent Dawn – Exalted), WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (41)Flame Mantle of the Dawn (Argent Dawn – Revered)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (42)Hydraxian Coronation (Hydraxian Waterlords – Honored)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (43)Juju Ember (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (44)Shardtooth E'ko at 61.8 38.2 in Winterspring)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (45)Magic Resistance Potion (does not stack with WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (46)Mark of the Wild or WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (47)Fire Resistance Totem)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (48)Tribal War Feathers of Fire Resistance (Upper Blackrock Spire)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (49)Fireproof Cloak (Molten Core)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (50)Salamander Scale Pants (Molten Core)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (51)Hyperthermically Insulated Lava Dredger (Molten Core)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (52)Miniaturized Fire Extinguisher (Demon Fall Canyon)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (53)Tidal Loop (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (54)A Hero's Reward)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (55)Drakefire Amulet (Blackrock Spire)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (56)Water Treads (Hydraxian Waterlords – Honored)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (57)Miniaturized Combustion Chamber (Gnomeregan)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (58)Wildfire Cape (Upper Blackrock Spire)
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (59)Dragonslayer's Signet (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (60)Head of Onyxia)

Using Fire Resistance items often results in a DPS loss in comparison to your BiS list. After you’ve acquired new raid items recalculate your Fire Resistance and re-optimize your gear loadout.

πŸ”₯ Since the boss Garr from Molten Core can dispel magic effects, you should make sure your WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (61)Paladin is hitting the Fire Resistance threshold without WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (62)Mark of the Wild for that specific fight. This might require you to have some off-pieces for that boss fight.

SoD Phase 4 Holy Paladin Pre-Raid BiS List

The following Holy WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (63)Paladin pre-BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery before entering the endgame raids at level 60.

  • Head (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (64)Arcanum of Focus)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (65)Soulforge Crown (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (66)Saving the Best for Last) 1
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (67)Devout Crown (Scholomance)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (68)Knight-Lieutenant's Imbued Helmet (PvP Rank 10)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (69)Incandescent Mooncloth Circlet (Tailoring)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (70)Insightful Hood (Dire Maul)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (71)Immaculate Goldsteel Helmet (Sunken Temple)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (72)Soulcatcher Crown (Sunken Temple)
  • Neck
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (73)Heart of the Fiend (Scholomance)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (74)Perfectly Preserved Dragon's Eye (Sunken Temple)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (75)Animated Chain Necklace (Stratholme Undead)
  • Shoulders (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (76)Atal'ai Signet of Serenity)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (77)Shimmering Dawnbringer Shoulders (Blacksmithing) 5
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (78)Soulforge Epaulets (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (79)Anthion's Parting Words) 2
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (80)Lieutenant Commander's Lamellar Pauldrons (PvP Rank 10)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (81)Mantle of Lost Hope (Blackrock Depths)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (82)Royal Cap Spaulders (Scholomance)
  • Back (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (83)Enchant Cloak - Greater Resistance)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (84)Hide of the Wild (Leatherworking)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (85)Featherskin Drape (Sunken Temple)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (86)Cloak of Leaves (Demon Fall Canyon)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (87)Cloak of the Cosmos (Dire Maul West)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (88)Frostweaver Cape (Upper Blackrock Spire)
  • Chest (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (89)Enchant Chest - Greater Stats)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (90)Soulforge Embrace (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (91)Saving the Best for Last) 1
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (92)Robes of the Exalted (Stratholme)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (93)Incandescent Mooncloth Robe (Tailoring)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (94)Knight-Captain's Lamellar Chestplate (PvP Rank 8)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (95)Devout Robe (Upper Blackrock Spire)
  • Wrist (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (96)Enchant Bracer - Healing Power)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (97)Loomguard Armbraces (Scholomance)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (98)Gallant's Wristguards (Dire Maul North)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (99)Soulforge Bindings (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (100)An Earnest Proposition) 4
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (101)Funeral Cuffs (Lower Blackrock Spire)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (102)Morlune's Bracer (Stratholme)
  • Hands (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (103)Enchant Gloves - Strength)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (104)Soulforge Fists (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (105)Just Compensation) 3
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (106)Harmonious Gauntlets (Dire Maul North)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (107)Gloves of Restoration (Dire Maul East)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (108)Hands of the Exalted Herald (Blackrock Depths)
  • Waist
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (109)Sash of Mercy (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (110)Soulforge Cord (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (111)Just Compensation) 3
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (112)Belt of the Ordained (Scholomance)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (113)Eyestalk Cord (Dire Maul West)
  • Legs (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (114)Arcanum of Focus)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (115)Soulforge Leggings (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (116)Anthion's Parting Words) 2
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (117)Padre's Trousers (Dire Maul West)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (118)Incandescent Mooncloth Leggings (Tailoring)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (119)Knight-Captain's Lamellar Legguards (PvP Rank 8)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (120)Ghostloom Leggings (Scholomance)
  • Feet (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (121)Enchant Boots - Minor Speed)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (122)Soulforge Treads (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (123)Anthion's Parting Words) 2
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (124)Knight-Lieutenant's Lamellar Greaves (PvP Rank 7)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (125)Faith Healer's Boots (Upper Blackrock Spire)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (126)Boots of the Full Moon (Dire Maul North)
  • Rings
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (127)Mark of the Dragon Lord (Lower Blackrock Spire)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (128)Fordring's Seal (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (129)In Dreams in Western Plaguelands)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (130)Band of Mending (Stratholme Live)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (131)Seal of Rivendare (Stratholme Undead)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (132)Drakeclaw Band of the Blood Prophet (Sunken Temple)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (133)Rosewine Circle (Lower Blackrock Spire)
  • Trinkets
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (134)Bloodlight Reverence (Stranglethorn Vale PvP Event)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (135)Briarwood Reed (Upper Blackrock Spire)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (136)Burst of Knowledge (Blackrock Depths)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (137)Atal'ai Blood Ritual Charm (Sunken Temple)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (138)Second Wind (Blackrock Depths)
  • Weapon (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (139)Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (140)Goblin Gear Grinder (sold for 50 WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (141)Tarnished Undermine Real by Pix Xizzix in Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (142)Witch Doctor's Stick of Mojo (Sunken Temple)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (143)The Hammer of Grace (Blackrock Depths)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (144)Hammer of Revitalization (Dire Maul East)
  • Off-Hand
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (145)Lei of the Lifegiver (Alterac Valley – Exalted)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (146)Drakestone of the Blood Prophet (Sunken Temple)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (147)Sewer Turtle Half-Shell (Sunken Temple)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (148)Tome of Divine Right (Lower Blackrock Spire)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (149)Brightly Glowing Stone (Dire Maul North)
  • Libram
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (150)Libram of Divinity (Scholomance)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (151)Libram of Benediction (Gnomeregan)

1 This quest requires WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (152)Lightforge Helm from Scholomance and WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (153)Lightforge Breastplate from Upper Blackrock Spire to complete.
2 This quest requires WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (154)Lightforge Legplates from Stratholme, WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (155)Lightforge Boots from Stratholme, and WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (156)Lightforge Spaulders from Upper Blackrock Spire to complete.
3 This quest requires WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (157)Lightforge Belt and WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (158)Lightforge Gauntlets to complete. Both items drop in Stratholme.
4 This quest requires WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (159)Lightforge Bracers from Scholomance to complete. Additionally, you need 15 WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (160)Winterspring Blood Sample from Frostsabers like Frostsaber Cub and Frostsaber Stalker in the northern corner of Winterspring.
5 To obtain WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (161)Shimmering Dawnbringer Shoulders, you need to bring 1 WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (162)Dawnbringer Shoulders (Blacksmithing), 3 WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (163)Skin of Shadow (Scholomance), and 4 WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (164)Corruptor's Scourgestone (Scholomance or Stratholme) to Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock at 81.6 60.0 in Western Plaguelands.

This P4 Pally pre-BiS list is continuously being worked on. Please use the feedback button below to send us your thoughts and suggestions.

Holy Paladin Consumables in SoD

The following list of consumables can be used by Holy WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (165)Paladins in endgame raids at level 60:

  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (166)Flask of Distilled Wisdom
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (167)Wizard Oil or WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (168)Lesser Mana Oil
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (169)Major Mana Potion
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (170)Demonic Rune
  • WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (171)Runn Tum Tuber Surprise

SoD Phase 3 Holy Paladin Pre-Raid BiS List

The following Holy WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (172)Paladin BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 3 of Season of Discovery before entering the raid Sunken Temple at level 50.

  • Head (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (173)Lesser Arcanum of Voracity)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (174)Crown of the Dreamweaver (15 Wild Offering)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (175)Cassandra's Grace (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (176)Knight-Lieutenant's Imbued Helmet (PvP Rank 7)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (177)Emerald Encrusted Helmet (Nightmare Incursions – Honored)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (178)Reflective Truesilver Braincage (Blacksmithing)
  • Neck
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (179)Pendant of Homecoming (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (180)Triune Amulet (Scarlet Monastery)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (181)Gemshard Heart (Maraudon)
  • Shoulders
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (182)Knight-Lieutenant's Imbued Pauldrons (PvP Rank 7)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (183)Emerald Encrusted Spaulders (Nightmare Incursions – Friendly)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (184)Living Shoulders (Leatherworking)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (185)Rotgrip Mantle (Maraudon)
  • Back
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (186)Engraved Cape of Healing (or similar item with up to +31 Healing, World Drop)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (187)Caretaker's Cape (Warsong Gulch – Honored)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (188)Cape of Hemostasis (Stranglethorn Vale PvP event)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (189)Cloak of Invention (Gnomeregan)
  • Chest (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (190)Enchant Chest - Stats)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (191)Knight's Imbued Armor (PvP Rank 6)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (192)Emerald Encrusted Battleplate (Nightmare Incursions – Honored)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (193)Shockforged Breastplate (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (194)Spiderfang Carapace (Blackrock Depths)
  • Wrist (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (195)Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (196)Dryad's Wrist Bindings (Warsong Gulch – Exalted)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (197)Tinker's Wrist Wraps (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (198)Manacle Cuffs (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (199)The Love Potion, starts in Blackrock Depths)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (200)Lev's Oil-Stained Bindings (Gnomeregan)
  • Hands (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (201)Enchant Gloves - Greater Strength)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (202)Sergeant Major's Imbued Gauntlets (PvP Rank 5)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (203)Emerald Encrusted Handguards (Nightmare Incursions – Friendly)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (204)Templar Gauntlets of Healing (or similar item with up to +46 Healing, World Drop)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (205)Vice Grips of Healing (Zul'Farrak)
  • Waist
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (206)Ornate Girdle of Healing (or similar item with up to +46 Healing, World Drop)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (207)Mech-Mender's Sash (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (208)Highlander's Cloth Girdle (Arathi Basin – Honored)
  • Legs (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (209)Lesser Arcanum of Voracity)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (210)Knight's Imbued Leggings (PvP Rank 6)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (211)Emerald Encrusted Legplates (Nightmare Incursions – Honored)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (212)Lofty Legguards of Healing (or similar item with up to +55 Healing, World Drop)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (213)Senior Designer's Pantaloons (Blackrock Depths)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (214)Shockforged Legplates (Gnomeregan)
  • Feet (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (215)Enchant Boots - Minor Speed)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (216)Sergeant Major's Imbued Greaves (PvP Rank 5)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (217)Emerald Encrusted Plate Boots (Nightmare Incursions – Friendly)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (218)Shockforged Battleboots (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (219)Entrenching Boots (Blackrock Depths)
  • Rings
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (220)Hypercharged Gear of Innovation (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (221)Lorekeeper's Ring (Warsong Gulch – Honored)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (222)Cyclopean Band (Blackrock Depths)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (223)Runed Ring of Intellect (Random Drop in Zul'Farrak)
  • Trinkets
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (224)Bloodlight Reverence (Stranglethorn Vale PvP event)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (225)Acolyte's Void Pearl (Blackfathom Deeps)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (226)Breadth of the Beast (12 Wild Offering)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (227)Miniaturized Combustion Chamber (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (228)Gniodine Pill Bottle (Gnomeregan)
  • Main-Hand Weapon
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (229)Inventor's Focal Sword (Maraudon)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (230)Blesswind Hammer of Healing (or similar item with up to +31 Healing, World Drop)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (231)Gear-Mender's Grace (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (232)Hand of Righteousness (Scarlet Monastery)
  • Off-Hand
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (233)Dielectric Safety Shield (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (234)9-60 Repair Manual (Gnomeregan)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (235)Beacon of Hope (World Drop)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (236)Gizlock's Hypertech Buckler (Maraudon)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (237)Irradiated Tower Shield (Gnomeregan)
  • Libram
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (238)Libram of Benediction (Gnomeregan)

If you run any set from Gnomeregan you have to keep the set bonus in mind. Depending on the set, the set pieces might be better than the other pre-BiS items, as long as you don’t break the Gnomeregan set bonus.

* Not all bosses in Blackrock Depths are available in Phase 3. We removed items from these bosses, like WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (239)Songstone of Ironforge. Furthermore, it looks like available bosses from Blackrock Depths are missing items that were added in later phases of Classic, like WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (240)Mantle of Lost Hope.

SoD Phase 3 BiS List for Holy Paladins

The following Holy WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (241)Paladin best-in-slot list contains the best items you can get in Phase 3 of Season of Discovery. You need to get loot from the 20-man raid Sunken Temple and do PvP to get the best items in the game.

  • Head (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (242)Lesser Arcanum of Voracity)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (243)Voodoo Feathered Headdress (Sunken Temple)
  • Neck
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (244)Perfectly Preserved Dragon's Eye (Sunken Temple)
  • Shoulders (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (245)Atal'ai Signet of Serenity)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (246)Baleful Pauldrons (Blacksmithing)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (247)Knight-Lieutenant's Imbued Pauldrons (PvP Rank 7)
  • Cloak (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (248)Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (249)Engraved Cape of Healing (or similar item with up to +31 Healing, World Drop)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (250)Featherskin Drape (Sunken Temple)
  • Chest (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (251)Enchant Chest - Stats)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (252)Obsessed Prophet's Chestplate (Sunken Temple)
  • Wrists (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (253)Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (254)Void-Powered Invoker's Vambraces (Engineering)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (255)Atal'ai Medicine Man's Wrists (Sunken Temple)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (256)Dryad's Wrist Bindings (Warsong Gulch – Exalted)
  • Hands (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (257)Enchant Gloves - Greater Strength)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (258)Emerald Scalemail Gloves (Sunken Temple)
  • Waist
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (259)Ornate Girdle of Healing (or similar item with up to +46 Healing, World Drop)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (260)Belt of the Forsaken Worshipper (Sunken Temple)
  • Legs (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (261)Lesser Arcanum of Voracity)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (262)Obsessed Prophet's Legguards (Sunken Temple)
  • Feet (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (263)Enchant Boots - Minor Speed)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (264)Obsessed Prophet's Ornate Boots (Sunken Temple)
  • Rings
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (265)Drakeclaw Band of the Blood Prophet (Sunken Temple)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (266)Chivalrous Signet (WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (267)Forging the Mightstone, check our Sunken Temple quest guide for details)
  • Trinkets
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (268)Bloodlight Reverence (Stranglethorn Vale PvP event)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (269)Acolyte's Void Pearl (Blackfathom Deeps)
  • Weapons
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (270)Witch Doctor's Stick of Mojo (Sunken Temple)
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (271)Drakestone of the Blood Prophet (Sunken Temple)
  • Libram
    WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (272)Libram of Benediction (Gnomeregan)

Use our Epic Crafting Guide for Phase 3 to learn how to craft WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (273)Baleful Pauldrons.

Holy Paladin Stat Priority

As a Holy WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (274)Paladin you want to prioritize gear with the following stats:

  1. Spell Crit
  2. Mana per 5 sec (MP5)
  3. Intellect
  4. Healing = Spell Damage

Paladin Macros in WoW Classic

You can write very useful macros for a WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (275)Paladin in WoW Classic to improve your gameplay. Find the most important macros in our guide β€œWoW Classic Paladin Macrosβ€œ. You’ll learn how to write macros yourself by reading through the examples, too.

More Builds for Paladins in Season of Discovery

The WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (276)Paladin is a hybrid in WoW Classic. Depending on the role you take on in a group, your WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (277)Paladin will need a different build. The following builds are for your other roles:

Tank Build for Paladins in Season of Discovery

To tank in dungeons and raids, use the WoW SoD Paladin Tank Spec. The Protection WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (278)Paladin spec is optimized to maintain your opponents’ threat and reduce incoming damage.

DPS Build for Paladins in Season of Discovery

To play as a Retribution-WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (279)Paladin in dungeons and raids, use the WoW SoD Paladin DPS Spec. This spec is optimized to deal the maximum amount of damage..

WoW SoD Holy Paladin: Phase 4 BiS, Talents & Runes (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.